Have your say

SC Booklet

Service Charge Booklets

The Service Charge booklets have been sent to Ebury Leaseholders and Tenants, followed by dedicated support sessions held at Ebury Edge in September 2024. If you require more information or support please contact  eburybridge@westminster.gov.uk

 Leaseholder Booklet 

 Tenant Booklet 

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Local Lettings Plan Consultation

The Local Lettings Plan Consultation started on the 27th of June and lasted for four weeks until the 25th of July.

A Booklet was sent to residents and nearby community providing information for a draft local lettings plan for new council homes for social rent on the Ebury Bridge Estate.

You can find translated copies below:

LLP Booklet - Bengali

LLP Booklet - Traditional Chinese

LLP Booklet - Portuguese

Following the consultation, you can read the consultation report here, the council intends to let homes as per the priorities set out in the Ebury Local Lettings Consultation booklet. At present the council is working through rehousing priority one to rehouse existing returners to the Ebury Bridge Estate.

Allocation to eligible households will continue based on the priorities set out in the consultation booklet.


S105 Consultation

S105 Consultation, Future Managing Agent - January 2024

The consultation took place early this year and it involved a number of ‘in-person’ events. 
This consultation formed part of the council’s Section 105 (of the Housing Act, 1985) responsibility which means that Secure Tenants should be asked about any proposed changes to services already agreed in your council Tenancy. We have also asked resident leaseholders about their views on the proposed service as these changes will impact them too.

Here is the S105 Consultation Booklet, which was delivered to returning Secure Tenants, Leaseholders and neighbours. 

Section 105 Booklet 

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Have Your Say

On this page you can find the latest proposals to have your say.

To view past consultations and information please click the link below:

Previous engagement boards and consultation information

Also on this page you can view the key documents submitted for the planning application for the Ebury Bridge Estate and information about the residents ballot in 2023.

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Ebury Bridge Residents' Ballot Result

We would like to thank all the residents who took the time to vote in the resident ballot. Below is the outcome of the residents' ballot for the regeneration of Ebury Bridge estate.

The ballot closed on Thursday 16 February 2023 at 5 pm and Civica Election Services, the independent body who managed the voting process, informed us that the overall turnout was 67% with 90.9% voting in favour.

Question: Do you support the current proposals for the regeneration of Ebury Bridge Estate?
Response Percentage 
Yes 90.9%
No 9.1%

Civica Election Services formally wrote to residents to officially confirm the result of the ballot.

The positive result of the ballot enabled WCC to apply for funding from the Greater London Authority (GLA) to provide the additional social rented homes, and give a greater choice of homes for returning and existing residents of Ebury Bridge. 

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Ebury Landlord Offer Documents

Ebury Bridge Estate Have your say

Planning Portal
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Ebury Bridge Estate receives planning approval for 781 new homes

On Tuesday 20 April 2021, Westminster City Council’s planning committee approved plans for Ebury Bridge Estate which will see the creation of 781 homes, and more than half of them will be affordable.

Located in the heart of central London, the proposals will see the full redevelopment of the current estate and the creation of high-quality, sustainable homes.

It will aim to be an almost car-free development, with disabled car parking only. Both pedestrian and cycle transport will be a top priority with more than 2,000 cycle spaces for residents.

The newly built homes will use 90% less carbon than the existing estate and grey water recycling will be used for household functions.

As well as 781 homes, there will be a new community hub, nursery and fitness centre for residents and visitors. Plus, there will be four high-quality public squares created with water and play features. The green spaces will have enhanced lighting for security and an on-site management team.

Around 270 new trees will be planted, as well as the retention of mature existing trees. Alongside this, there will be new flowerbeds and plants, forging natural havens for the local community and increasing biodiversity.

An extended high street with new local shops and cafés has also been approved and there will be new places to work including flexible workspace on Ebury Bridge Road and at the new northern gateway.


Click here to view the planning documents.

Key submission documents

Below we have included the main planning documents for you to view, which were submitted to the Local Planning Authority. 

Planning Statement 

Statement of Community Involvement

Design Access Statement:

Part 1 Part 2

Environmental Statement:

Volume 1Volume 2, Part 1Volume 2, Part 2Volume 2, Part 3 

Environmental Statement, Volume 3:

Appendix AAppendix B
Appendix CAppendix D
Appendix EAppendix F
Appendix GAppendix H
Appendix IAppendix J
Appendix KAppendix L

Non-technical Summary

Further planning documents can be found on the council's online planning portal, using the reference number 20/04366/COOUT.

If you want to talk with us about any of the submitted documents, please do not hesitate to contact the team and we would be happy to assist.

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