Community Chest Fund

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Community Chest Fund

Community Chest Fund

The Community Chest Fund is part of the Westminster Council’s Ebury Bridge Social Value programme and is funded by Bouygues UK.  

Who can apply? 

We welcome applications from community and voluntary groups as well as individuals who want to provide activities and projects for the residents of Ebury Bridge. We encourage Ebury Bridge residents to apply for the funding.  

Please complete the application form and email it to 

What can be funded? 

We are looking for projects and activities that demonstrate they benefit the residents of Ebury Bridge that: 

- Build on the community spirit and the existing community. 

- Support the community to work together for a positive future.

- Help residents to improve their quality of life and mitigate the cost of living.

- Improve health and well-being of the residents of Ebury Bridge. 

- Provide access to educate and help with employability.

- Benefit the environment and promote sustainability.

- We are unable to fund salaries, which is a condition of the funding from Bouygues UK. 

How much can I apply for? 

There is no minimum amount and the maximum is £10k.  

What is the deadline? 

Applications received by the 15th of each month will be considered for funding at the next CPG meeting. The meeting is held in the first week of each month except August. 

All projects must start by May 2024. 


For further information or help to complete the application form, please contact the Ebury Bridge Regeneration Team at or 0800 0113 467.

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Picture6 May

Community projects funded so far

kids gardening

Carly's Angels Summer Fest


Carly grew up on Ebury Bridge and has a great understanding of residents who live here. She is keen to contribute to retaining and growing the community spirit and providing services and support to the community. She is committed and passionate in giving back to Ebury Bridge and its residents.

1. To upgrade of the outdoor children’s area outside of Ebury Edge to make this a more child friendly and secure place. By having a fit for purpose space could be used all year round and provide children with access to outdoor space that provides stimulus and a safe place to play.

2. The Project is aimed at creating an educational and safe environment for children on the Ebury Bridge estate. The project will be open for free for children of residents living on the estate and those residents living off-site.

 Carlys Summer Fest flyer

Energy Garden pic

Energy Garden - Gardening & Building sessions

Energy Garden is a non-profit Community Benefit Society that supports communities to deliver gardens and solar projects in London. The Energy Garden Community Benefit Society has over 500 members who have raised more than £1 million for solar development so far. Revenues from the sale of this renewable energy part-fund gardens and education programmes in London.

BRIEF - Gardening sessions 
The project will include local residents into the creation of a new community garden in the courtyard at Ebury Edge. Residents will learn how to grow vegetables in planters, compost green waste and understand general horticulture and biodiversity. This programme will enhance the courtyard as a community space, adding a multiplicity of uses beyond residents just sitting outdoors. The project will increase community cohesion by bringing residents together amidst the upheaval of a significant redevelopment on their doorstep.


BRIEF - Building sessions

The project will educate residents on timber reuse and carpentry skills. Energy Garden will include residents in reclaiming timber from the Ebury Estate and turning them into garden planters and furniture that will improve the amenities of the new community garden in the Ebury Edge courtyard. Residents will learn how to build garden infrastructure, including raised beds, composters, shelves for the greenhouse, and benches for seating.
This programme will give participants the skills they need to build on their own, as well as creating a legacy by enhancing the Ebury Edge courtyard, increasing the surface area for growing and making the garden more functional. Benches will allow people to relax in the space and interact with plants without necessarily gardening. We hope it will be a profound experience for people to physically handle materials from the old estate and repurpose them into new elements.





Bangladeshi Welfare Trust - Community Day trips and Young people activities


We were established in the year 2000, aiming to serve the disadvantaged members of South Westminster. We provide recreational and leisure facilities for individuals in Westminster and nearby areas, addressing youth, age, infirmity, financial hardship, and social welfare to improve their quality of life. Enhance education and training in health, literacy, numeracy, and English language for residents in Westminster and its surroundings. Foster social inclusion by preventing and addressing social exclusion, helping individuals integrate into society for the public benefit. Promote faith and social cohesion in South Westminster and nearby regions through prayer meetings, lectures, religious festivals, and interfaith events. 


 A successful outcome would be for young people will be engaged in educational activities, rather than becoming involved in ASB through young people sessions. For a Community Day Trip a great outcome would be to successfully support families enjoying an away day when they normally wouldn't be able to afford a holiday/vacation. 

Projects to be delivered: 

  1. Community Day Trip to Legoland 
  2. Young People Sessions Programme  
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