Phase 2 consultation mod 3

Thanks for your views on revised designs

We’re very grateful for all views provided during our consultation around the comprehensive redevelopment of Ebury Bridge Estate.

We closed our exhibition space as a precaution, but continued the conversation in other ways. Over 2,000 conversations took place in person, online, telephone and post, about half of which came from Ebury Bridge Estate residents during our extended consultation.

We also held a webinar on 23 April where lead architect Richard Hyams outlined the plans, with viewers able to submit questions and comments to the project team. Click here to view a recording of the webinar.

We’ll submit a planning application in the Summer. Local people will then be contacted during the statutory consultation period.

How you felt

Local residents told us how positive, informed and engaged and they felt about the revised plans. Of those surveyed:

  • 71% of people said they felt positive about the proposals
  • 69% of people said they felt well informed
  • 59% of people said they felt well engaged

David Thompson, Ebury Bridge Renewal Project Director at Westminster City Council said:

“Thanks to everyone who joined our conversation on renewing Ebury. We focused on estate residents’, very near neighbours’, and more distant neighbourhoods’ views of the revised plans. We used post, online and social media to ensure the consultation was comprehensive following lockdown.

Folks are pleased overall with the amends since last autumn. We intend to submit the application in July and expect a decision before the end of 2020. We look forward to delivering a truly outstanding estate.”


Phase 2 consultation mod

 The exhibition space
